Monday, September 19, 2022

My London Adventure 9/19/22

Sep 19, 2022

It’s been two weeks since I landed in London and it’s been a whirlwind since. Becoming a student again is one challenge, learning the City, transportation, figuring out meals and the washing machine another. After the Queen’s funeral is today, I imagine the city will find a new sense of normal in the the coming days. Just increased the volume to be able to hear the funeral on tv, because of helicopters ruckus. I live within a close enough distance that I’m imagining press and security/military are circling. We walked a street yesterday, where we saw police dressed in many different uniforms from locations of my favorite Brit detective shows.

Sotheby’s is providing a great learning experience. They dedicate Tues and Wed to art business led by Jeffrey Boloton, and Thurs and Fri to art history led by Rachel Barnes. Both sections have specialists come in for lectures or tours, though Jeffery and Rachel are positively able to give all the lectures, I’m so impressed with both of them and their credentials. In the two weeks, we’ve been to 4 museums, one commercial gallery which was followed by a “reception” at the pub next door. Rachel led three of the museum tours. She obviously knows her audience. She stops in front of a painting or sculpture, speaks for no more than two minutes, and takes off like being chased by the group and goes to the next. After a couple stops, she gives the group time to look around at our own pace. 

Last Thursday, we were to meet at 10:30 am by the columns of the British Museum just after the security check. Rachel and one of the other instructors split the group. Luckily, with Rachel we saw objects in the Egyptian, Japanese and African exhibits, had a quick look around, grabbed a coffee and were back in the classroom at Sotheby’s by 11:45 for a lecture on how the pieces influenced Van Gogh and peers. 

On the art business side, we had the Head of Bidding from Sotheby’s Auction House, which the School of Art was spun from. She spoke and answered all kinds of questions about behind the scenes and strategies for bidding. Whoa, if I only had an extra million. In the next couple weeks, we will go to the auction house and watch an auction via video streaming- only bidders already vetted with the money to buy objects can be in the room. The visit to that specific gallery is still a mystery to me. I’m guessing the owner a friend to someone, or the proximity to the pub, because the art was not special, IMHO. It might have been because the gallery was targeting millennials, not my gen. 

The class is great. Really like the people. Very smart. Jeffery commented on the engagement of the group. I’ve made a couple friends. Took a sigh of relief when I was invited to hang on Saturday. Had to decline to get my first paper done before company from the States arrived, but knowing I’d be the oldest, (and am)  was a worry that’s gone.

Last Monday, on my day off, made it out to Kew Gardens. Wanted to see the exhibit of Marianne North’s botanical paintings. In the mid 1800s she traveled all over the world exploring and documenting new species. I was surprised by the quantity and quality of the paintings. 
