Friday, February 5, 2016

If That Was My Dream...

My mother was in a box, not a coffin. Thus begins the narrative of my dream from the other night.  I knew I needed to get home with her so I put the top of her still alive body, in an expresso pot. She lived awhile, then she died. I took a photograph of her in that state with wild, weird her eyes still open but big and bulging like cocker spaniel eyes. I  email a photo that I take to my brother and sister, then worry whether I should send another email to explain the picture.

This is the second time I've so vividly dreamt about my mother that I still remember every frame. I don't know what this one means and I'd appreciate help in its interpretation.

I took a class on dreams at Omega  in the 1990s. To interpret, we learned the best form when you associate ideas with someone else's dream, is to begin with the phrase, "if that were my dream..." followed by the dots of meaning that you glean from the telling of the story.

I learned that its most useful when interpreters pay attention to the  words as they are spoken and to figure that most aspects of the dream are really about the dreamer, not the specific content. To use the phrase, if that were my dream prevents the interpreter from declaring a meaning but allows them to offer a consideration from their experiences. I'd appreciate help in interpreting this dream. If it was your dream what would it mean?

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