Wednesday, December 15, 2021

The Gangster, the Guest Artist and the Couple Who Cleaned Up

This is Jazzy. She used my sketchbook to draw a statue across the street in Humbolt Park. My deal with my "Guest Artists" is that I get to keep the picture and they may draw in my book while I paint. Parents are invited to take a photo of the Guest Artist with their art. None have refused. As the daughter and mother walked away, Jazzy decided she didn’t like the deal, turned back to me and wanted the book. I told her I needed it. She surprisingly didn’t negotiate and they went on their way.. 

She and her mom arrived just after Jose left. Jose stood and visited with me for more than two hours… that’s long for the usual plein air bystander. He seemed fascinated with the painting process, asked good questions, made comments about the composition and showed me his bullet wounds from a gang fight, that he apparently lost. Painter friends stopped by while he was there and he’d step back while we chatted and stepped closer when they left. Later, I learned that they thought he and I were friends. I suppose we were- for a few minutes. As I finished the painting, I offered it to him. He said, “No, I’m good.” A bit of a blow.

Just as I packed the last bit of equipment in my backpack, a couple stopped and asked to see the painting I'd done. Lucky me. They love art, said that they hadn’t bought anything local since moving to Chicago three years ago, and purchased my painting. 

It was a rich and interesting day to paint.

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